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Slice Presentation
Slice, Weigh, Package and Label Options available.

Package Deli Fresh Product at your Location.
Each Draft Sliced in Under Two Seconds.

Fold Sliced Product with our +SMART Slicing System

Slice and Stack using our +SMART Conveyor System

Shingle Slice with the turn of a switch it is all built in.

Shave Meats and Cheese in High Volume.
Shave Automatically.

High Volume Slicing.
Shave Meats , Slice Meats.

Slice into drafts for easy loading into a Multivac Vacuum Packager


Control Slice Count for ease of packaging.

Slice Cooked Natural Meats, Slice Frozen Raw Meats.

Slice onto Paper or Trays using our +SMART Slicing System

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